I have been so unmotivated the last few months which has led me to blog less. Between work, work, and family situations I have been less than inclined to workout and blog. I know, I know working out reduces stress, makes you feel better, and even gives you a clean shiny coat. However, I was just in a funk. I thought about working out--I laid my workout clothes out at night, I set my alarm clock, and then I looked for excuses.
I did get a few runs and few swims; and I felt so much better on those days. However, it did not last. I set myself back in vicious circle. I ate poorly, I gained weight and planned on working out tomorrow. "What's one more day?" I would ask myself.
This weekend I had the perfect storm to motivate me. First of all, I did not do the 10 mile race on Sunday. I wimped out. Not running the race was not the wimpy thing. The wimpy thing was not preparing for the race. I ran from the challenge. I did not stay strong and do what I needed in order to keep myself healthy and prepare for the race.
The second thing that occurred was watching the news on Monday and watching the panic in the streets of NYC because of the Airforce One flyover. My first thought was "what a bunch of wimps and losers." How can anyone panic to that extent over this? Are Americans really that weak? Then it hit me!!!! I have been weak. I haven't overcome my hesitation (fear?) of working out. I have allowed emotions to over come good sense. I don't deal well in emotion; I prefer facts and logic because emotion tends to get me in trouble. I make bad decisions. This situation just reinforces that fact.
And as a disclaimer, I do think it was dumb to do a fly-by in downtown NYC without informing the population.
Friday Funny 2417: Fitness Funnies
10 hours ago